Transferring From One Class to Another

Once a student has been enrolled, he or she should never be re-enrolled. Student re-enrollment destroys the continuity of the student’s record and prevents following student progress from class to class and year to year. Many schools depend upon the year-to-year statistics to apply for grant monies through federal, state and other fitness funding programs. To facilitate tracking student records throughout their school years, a ‘Transfer Student’ link is available on each student record.


To move an enrolled student into a new class for the beginning of the school year or a new term, find the class in which the student was previously enrolled. These will be available on the Classes list for a period of time following the class ending date, as in the example below.




If the class you desire is not on the list, you may mouse over the Sites button sitesbutton.jpg at the top right of the screen and select Sites Map on the drop-down. Do not click the Expand All link, but navigate to your state, district and school, then open the class, using the plus icons openicon.jpg . Please be sure that you are logged in when you navigate the Sites Map.


When you have located and selected the class, click the Select A Student link. The resulting page will display a list of all students in the class. When you find the student you desire to transfer, click the Select link associated with his/her name. The student’s record summary will appear. Look for the Transfer Student link in the left-side navigation and click it.




The resulting screen will display all the classes currently available at your school. Click the radio button associated with the class into which you would like this student transferred. Then click the Done button. The selected student will automatically be added to the class.