Student Fitness Assessments

Every person who uses the kiosk to store workout data MUST have at least one assessment, completely filled out and entered into their record. It is necessary that the information be entered into the system PRIOR to attempting to record a workout. On the summary page, assessments will appear as a series of dates, indicating the date of the assessment.



When you click on the Fitness Assessments title, you can see a review listing of all assessments. If you want to see full details on a specific assessment, click on that date. The assessment will appear with all data that you have entered, as in the example below.




If the student does not have an assessment, he/she will be unable to record workout data. In the event of an error, one of two messages will be displayed: “Height 0 or non-existent. Check Assessment record.” or “Height is less than 4’3” on Assessment.” These mean that the user does not have an assessment, that the height field in their assessment is 0 or that it is below the 4’3” height requirement.



If either of these messages appear, the teacher should immediately 1) do an assessment on the student or 2) fill in the missing height data on the student assessment record or 3) re-enter the height as 4’3”. It would also be important to be sure any other missing data is recorded. To review the training on conducting and recording assessments, please see Enrollments/Assessments in the help system. For a easy access instructions, see the Quick Access Guide.


If the student has an out-of-range birth date (prior to 0 years or older than 120 years) entered on their record, the kiosk will report an error and not record the student’s data.




If this message appears, the teacher should immediately go to the student record summary on the computer and make the correction. To do this, find the appropriate class on the school website, then click on the student’s name. Click on the Kiosk User Demographics section and check the year shown on the resulting screen, seen below. Make whatever corrections are necessary and click the Save button. For a easy access instructions, see the Quick Access Guide.